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品 牌Brand: 莆田市莆兴福通摩托车配件有限公司(原福通金属) 
单 价 Price: 面议 
起 订 MOQ:  
供货总量:     Supply
发货期限:    DeliveryTime 自买家付款之日起(From the date of buyer's payment, ship within 3 day)天内发货
所在地/Loc: 福建 莆田市
有效期至:      Expire Time 长期有效
最后更新:     Last Update 2024-08-14 09:02
浏览次数:     Page Views 326
公司基本资料信息Company info:
产品详细说明 (Details)
Putian Puxing Futong Motorcycle Parts Co., Ltd. is one of the first domestic manufacturers to introduce advanced foreign technology for the production of brake shoe, With more than 30 years of experience in the production of brake shoes, the company passed the ISO9001 certification, access to brand-name products in Fujian Province and Fujian Province famous trademarks and other honors, the company specializes in the production of electric vehicles, motorcycle brake shoes, host quality, model complete, the source of manufacturers. With Puxing, more assured.Recruitment is the national blank regional agents, welcome to consult.
~Provide OEM, good quality and cheap.
~Seeking cooperation with
~domestic and foreign clients.
Phone/WeChat: 18359030700

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