高级搜索 标王直达
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品 牌Brand: 飞雁轮胎 
单 价 Price: 面议 
起 订 MOQ:  
供货总量:     Supply
发货期限:    DeliveryTime 自买家付款之日起(From the date of buyer's payment, ship within 3 day)天内发货
所在地/Loc: 山东 青岛市
有效期至:      Expire Time 长期有效
最后更新:     Last Update 2024-09-05 08:37
浏览次数:     Page Views 5380
公司基本资料信息Company info:
产品详细说明 (Details)
孙经理 : +86-18366209997
[manufacturer's direct sale of motorcycle tyre & tube] can be OEM or agent ~ 40000pcs natural tubes, 30000pcs butyl tubes and 7000 motorcycle tyres per day.
To ensure timely delivery of large quantities of orders , but also for many varieties of small batch customer production
Manager Sun/ wechat: +86-18366209997未命名
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