市场主营商品:摩托车整车、摩托车配件、百货、家电、五金等。目前,在该市场内从事摩托车经营的约为80-100户左右,经营的品牌达40多个,基本为国内品牌,其中年销售收入在2000万元以上的约为30户左右。 《摩托车与配件》杂志发行点位于W6栋9号,祥龙摩配欢迎前来索阅!
Route: the railway station take bus 201, junction station in the plant
Chang zhutan market is located in the cross of the Chang,zhu,tan cities which has the total building space of 460 km2 . It is the biggest comprehensive trading market among the 5 provinces. The traffic is very convenietn, the 320,107 national road is joined here, Jingzhu and Shangrui highway crosses here, the jinghuang and Xiangqian raiway set station here and the Xiang river is open the whole year, the Huanghua international airport and Datuopu freight airport is close. The scale of the marekt is very big which has been invested about 1 billion since the reform and open. It now has the motorcycle and motorcycle parts trading market and the market for household appliances, general merchandise, daily use chemical, ceramics and food has begun to take shape. The total building space is about 500 km2 with about 3000 set facades. The planning occupation of land is about 1750 mu and the building space is 500km2 with more than 3000 facades and 6000 booths. The market construction consistes on high standard, scientific design and plan with 500 m2 storage. There are freight check center, many parking place, telephone wire, media, TV and reasonalbe building design. The professional estate service provide 24 hours service. The Changzhutan market is becoming the biigest marekt in the Southern-middle region with Time, good space and people.
Mani products: Motorcycle and motorcycle parts, general merchandise, household appliances, hardware. Now, there are about 80-100 business shops with more than 40 brands, mostly are home brand with about 30 business shops which has more than 20 million yuan.