
Since the early 1980s, SKSHU Technology has recognized the tremendous impact air pollution and energy crises will impose in the twenty-first century which initiated our commitment to develop automobile and motorcycle carburetors of zero pollution. Accruing the experience of American and Canadian vehicle environmental protection experts, information concerning low pollution, yet energy saving technologies along with the local research, we had created the first generation of automobile carburetor of zero pollution. In 1984, SKSHU Technology technically collaborated with the Graduate School of Dynamic Machinery, Ching Haw University, and successfully achieved the excellent performance result of 100% fuel saving. The university further passed on the lab report to the various academic institutions. In 1985, China Productivity Centre conducted actual road test with our product, and proved the carburetor capable of fuel saving at reduced pollution rate. Our product earned such praise from the premiere, at that time the minister of economic affairs, as “Revolutionary breakthrough in low pollution motorcycle engines” in 1991, In May 1997. The inspection by the Environmental Protection Administration and Vehicle Testing Research Centre discovered the CO to be under 0.1% and HC to be under 100 ppm in inertia state.