瑞安市程泰活塞制造有限公司生产的活塞产品有500多种机型, 1000多个规格。产品除供应国内主机配套市场和维修市场外,还部分远销东南亚、中东、非洲以及欧美等10多个国家和地区,市场声誉十分良好。
瑞安市程泰活塞制造有限公司从毛坯铸造到成品活塞制造的整个过程拥有生产设备200多台套,其中高精度数控车床80多台,备有高精度型线测量仪、粗糙度测量仪、气动仪器、投影仪、硬度仪、测试发动机等检测设备。公司按照ISO9001-2000版质量管理体系组织生产,主要设备均为2003年以后全新投入,产品品质保证能力良好。公司推崇“以人为本,以质求道”的经营理念 ......
Chengtai piston ring manufacturing co.,ltd, Ruian city is specially in researching, producing and selling automobile and motorycle piston ring.
Chengtai piston ring manufacturing co.,ltd, Ruian city has more than 500 types machine and 1000 scales. The products not only provide the natinal machine assemble marekt and fixxing market but also explore to 10 place and regions inthe sothe-east, middle east, Africian and Europe. It enjoyes a good market reputation.
Through the blank manufacturing to piston ring manufacturing process, Chengtai piston ring manufacturing co.,ltd, Ruian city has 200 producing equipments. There are 80 Blank manufacturing high precision CNC lathe and detecting equipemnts such as: High precision profile meter, roughness measuring instrument, pneumatic equipment, projector, hardness tester, test the engine. Our company produces as te ISO9001-2000 QoS and the main equipments were put into use in 2003. This makes sure the products’ quality been good. Our company prasises the “people first and qulity first “ manage idea.